Professional Croatian Translation Services

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croatian translation services in London

Rosetta Translation provides comprehensive and flexible medical translation services to medical institutions and pharmaceutical companies worldwide. Our blend of experienced, skilled language professionals, industry experts, and project managers increasingly makes Rosetta the partner of choice for even the most complex and specialist translation needs.

High Quality Croatian Translations

Rosetta Translation has recognised and accredited expertise in a number of sectors. Thus, we pride ourselves on being trusted for any court-related and other legal translations, as well as being a provider of technical translations, such as user and product manuals. We also provide financial services related translations to banks, insurance companies and investment firms.We also have particular expertise in medical translation, especially translation for the medical device industry.

We guarantee a consistently excellent quality of Croatian translation in each of these various fields by making sure we assign every translation to the most appropriate specialised team of highly qualified Croatian translators, proof-readers and editors.

We also provide Croatian interpreting services in London and worldwide.

For a free instant quote, please contact us at any of our local offices in London, Shanghai, New York, Paris or Luxembourg.

accredited croatian translators
Accredited Croatian Translation Services

Accredited Croatian Translation Services

Rosetta is one of only very few translation agencies to have achieved both the prestigious ISO 9001:2008 certification and the DIN EN 15038 designation, the only norm specifically designed for translation agencies. Our customers can therefore rest completely assured of the superior quality of our Croatian translation assignments.

Combined with our use of translation technology and our extraordinary flexibility as regards client needs, this results in the professional and reliable Croatian translation services that our numerous regular customers value.

Croatian translations can be certified, notarised and legalised to meet your exact requirements.

English to Croatian Translation Services

For our English-Croatian translations, we only use experienced, native Croatian translators capable of translating into local dialects such as Shtokavian, Chakavian and Kajkavian, all of whom specialise in a number of different areas of translation to give the best possible results for our customers. We then have the document proof-read by a third party and ensure that the formatting is correct, all of which culminates in the provision of a final professional Croatian translation of excellent quality.

English to Croatian Translation Services
Croatian to English Translation

Croatian to English Translation

Whether your Croatian-English translation assignment is complex, technical or more basic in nature, Rosetta Translation always has experienced translators on hand to deliver, with expertise in a number of areas, from technical computer jargon to legal terminology.

All our Croatian to English translationa are carried out by native English speakers with relevant qualifications in Croatian translation.

Croatia and the Croatian Language

Croatian is the name used to refer to the standard language and dialects spoken by Croats, mainly in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, in the Serbian province of Vojvodina, as well as in other neighbouring countries. Croatian uses a variant of the Latin alphabet.

Croatian is the official language of the Republic of Croatian and one of the three official languages of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as having an official or co-official status in parts of other neighbouring countries.

Croatia is classified by the IMF as having a high-income market economy. The Croatian economy suffered heavily during the early nineteen-nineties after war broke out in 1991. However the economy has been faring well since 2002 with the growth of the tourism industry and promotion of Croatia abroad as an unspoilt tourist destination. The country is ranked as the 18th most popular tourist destination worldwide. The country also boasts seven World Heritage Sites and eight national parks.

Many companies are requesting that their websites be translated into Croatian to corner this lucrative new market.

Our Accreditations

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