Rosetta Translation provides professional document translation services for all our clients’ business needs, and delivers consistently excellent service to our rapidly expanding clientele. Our blend of experienced, skilled language professionals, industry experts, and project managers increasingly makes Rosetta the partner of choice for even the most complex and specialist document translation needs.
Rosetta Translation has extensive experience in the translation of a wide variety of documents focussing on the following areas:
We are also able to translate academic qualifications, birth/death certificates, marriage certificates, personal legal documents, CVs, and a wide variety of other forms of offical documentation, and to provide an appropriate certificate of authenticity, notarisation, and legalisation.
For a free instant quote, please contact us at any of our local offices in London, Shanghai, New York, Paris or Luxembourg.
Each document to be translated will be assigned to three separate language professionals (a translator, an editor, and a proofreader), all of whom will have experience in the relevant field.
Translation of the document by a linguist qualified in the appropriate field is only the first in a three-stage quality control process.
Once your document has been translated, it will be passed to the editor, who will ensure that it reads accurately and appropriately in the target language. The proofreader will then compare the source and target documents so as to ensure complete consistency between the two.
In this way, you can be sure that your translated document will read just as well, and just as professionally, in its completed version.
Rosetta Translation is one of only a handful of translation services providers to have been awarded both the ISO 9001:2012 certification, as well the DIN EN 15038 norm, the only quality award that is specific to translation services.
Rosetta’s use of linguists qualified in the relevant field of expertise means that appropriate terminology, whether it refers to the law, finance, engineering, or any other area of business, will always appear in the translated document.
All of Rosetta’s language professionals, be these translators, editors, proofreaders, or project manager, understand the vital importance of the type of language used. Therefore, a PowerPoint presentation to be used for staff training purposes will be translated into a very different register of language to that which would be used in the translation of a legal document, where accuracy and precision would be of utmost importance.
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Tips for Proofreading Academic Papers
Proofreading for non-native academic authors At Rosetta Translation we regularly receive requests to proof academic papers or research material. Most of these requests are from researchers whose work is written in English, yet they are not native speakers of English. Proofreading academic… Read More
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Rosetta Translation, 133 Whitechapel High St, London E1 7QA · 0207 248 2905