Professional Italian Translation Services

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Rosetta provides a full range of Italian translation services to companies and indviduals in London and worldwide.

professional Italian translation services in London

Certified Italian Translation Services

Rosetta provides all levels of certified translation services, and our certifications are recognised by authorities in the UK and around the world.

We provide sworn translations, notarised translations, legalisations (apostilles), all depending on your precise requirements. Where necessary, we can provide bilingual certificates, notarisations from notaries around the world and sworn translations by translators registered with a particular foreign court. If you are at all unsure, feel free to ask to talk to one of our knowledgeable account managers, who will be more than happy to guide you through the process and provide additional explanations.

For a free instant quote, please fill in the form on this page, email us at or contact us at any of our local offices in London, Shanghai, New York, Paris or Luxembourg.

High Quality Italian Translations

Rosetta is a multi-sector translation specialist and has particular expertise in the following areas:

Legal translation

We provide accurate translations of any legal documents, including of course translation of contracts and agreements.

Financial translation

We routinely translate complex financial reports, regulatory filings, insurance documentation, etc.

Technical translation

Our expertise ranges from the translation of technical product manuals to patent translations.

Medical translation

Our regular translations include medical research reports and translating the regulatory reporting documents for pharmaceutical trials.

By selecting the right team of translators, proofreaders and editors, we guarantee a consistent and excellent quality of work in each of these various fields.

Combined with our use of translation technology and our extraordinary flexibility as regards client needs, this results in the professional and reliable translation service that our regular customers value.

We also provide Italian interpreting services in London and worldwide (onsite and remote).

Accredited Translators

Accredited Translators

Unlike most translation companies, Rosetta has achieved both the prestigious ISO 9001:2015 certification and the DIN EN 15038 designation, the only norm specifically designed for translation agencies. Our customers can therefore rest completely assured of the superior quality of our Italian translation services.

Our translations can be certified, notarised and legalised to meet your exact requirements.

English to Italian Translation Services

Italian is a major European language, with currently approximately 61 million native speakers.

For all our English-Italian translation assignments, we use experienced, native Italian translators specialising in a wide range of subject fields, as well as variants (such as Swiss Italian), to give the best possible results for our customers. Documents are proofread and formatted to suit each client’s individual needs, giving an excellent product.

English to Italian Translation Services
Italian to English Translation

Italian to English Translation

Regardless of the subject field and scope of your Italian-English translation, we ensure to use only native English speakers when assigning your projects. Our Italian-English translators have extensive expertise in a number of areas, from legal contracts to clinical trials so you will be in good hands!

Swiss Italian: is it different from Italian spoken in Italy?

As many of us know, Italian is not the same everywhere. Within Italy, vocabulary, expressions, and sometimes even grammatical constructions change from one region to the next (think of Neapolitan, or Florentine dialects), and Swiss Italian is no exception.

Swiss Italian is one the 3 official languages spoken in Switzerland and with about 720,000 speakers is the third most-spoken language after Swiss German and Swiss French. So, it is a very common question if you are asking yourself what the differences between the Italian and Swiss Italian might be.

The geographical position certainly plays a role and adds some barrier. The Ticino and Grisons cantons are located at a geographic extremity of the Italian-speaking world, isolating them from Italy not only politically but mostly culturally. Daily life interactions between Italian and the other Swiss languages — mainly French and German — are constantly taking place, leading to differences in vocabulary.

For example:

Driving license is translated as ‘patente di guida’ in Italian but in Swiss Italian it is translated as ‘licenza di condurre’ (from the French ‘permis de conduire’).

Flu is translated as ‘influenza’ in Italian but in Swiss Italian it becomes ‘Grippe’ (from the German…’Grippe’)

And we could easily add more examples of Swiss Italian!

When do I need to translate my document into Swiss Italian?

The answer is not straightforward: it depends on the scope and purpose of your text.

If the aim of your translation projects is to reach out to a ‘more international’ Italian audience (who doesn’t speak Italian nowadays?!), and to get the general meaning across, then translating into Italian is what you are looking for since Swiss Italian speakers digest Italian content coming from the peninsula on a daily basis anyway. This would work for translations of product manuals, instructions, academic papers etc.

On the other hand, if your aim is to target and engage Swiss Italian speakers specifically, for example if you are planning to sell a new product and want to prepare a marketing campaign, we would recommend having your document translated by a special Standard Swiss Italian translator so you won’t fail to catch those cultural subtleties.

What if I still have questions about my Italian translation?

Getting to know your translation needs will be our priority, and rest assured that our experienced team will be able to advise you on the best translation strategy!

For a free instant quote, please fill in the form on the right, email us at quote@rosettatranslation or contact us at any of our local offices in London, Shanghai, New York, Paris or Luxembourg.

Our Accreditations

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