Swedish Translation

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Rosetta Translation provides a full range of Swedish translation services to companies worldwide.

Swedish translation services London

Top quality Swedish Translation services

Rosetta Translation is a leading multi-sector Swedish translation specialist and its areas of expertise include the following:

Legal translation, Financial translation, Technical translation, Medical translation

We assign every single translation to the most appropriate specialised team of highly qualified Swedish translators, proofreaders and editors, thus making sure of a consistent and excellent quality of Swedish translation in each of these areas.

Combined with our use of translation technology and our extraordinary flexibility as regards client needs, this results in the professional and reliable Swedish translation service that our regular customers expect and value.

We also provide Swedish interpreting services in London and worldwide.

For a free instant quote, please contact us at any of our local offices in London, Shanghai, New York, Paris or Luxembourg.

Highly Accredited Swedish Translators

Rosetta Translation is almost unique amongst translation agencies in that it holds both the prestigious ISO 9001:2015 certification as well as the DIN EN 15038 norm, the only accreditation specifically designed for translation services. Our customers can therefore rest completely assured of the consistent and excellent quality of our Swedish translations.

Our Swedish Translations can of course be certified, notarised and legalised to meet your exact requirements.

professional Swedish translators and interpreters
professional Swedish translators and interpreters

English to Swedish Translation Services

For our English-Swedish translation assignments, we only use experienced, native Swedish translators – capable of translating in a number of Swedish dialects (Standard, Norrland, Svealand, Gotland, etc.), all of whom specialise in a number of different areas of translation to give the best possible results for our customers. Documents are then formatted and proofread to ensure maximum quality of translation.

Swedish (Svenska) is a major European language, spoken by just under 10 million people. It plays a role in European business markets and in the EU.

At Rosetta Translation, we cater for translating assignments into and out of all dialects of Swedish and have in our team at least one Swedish translator for each dialect. Our native translators have an in-depth knowledge not just of the language in question, but also have the ability to tailor translations to various communities and registers.

Swedish to English Translation

Whether your Swedish-English translation assignment is complex and technical or more basic in style, Rosetta Translation always has experienced translators on hand to deliver, with expertise in a number of areas, from technical IT jargon to contractual language.

As an internationally aware company, we operate as worldwide a service for our English translation as we do for our other languages. This means that we can provide English in any of the many existing dialects, whether you need British English, American English, Australian English, even Jamaican English, we have the know-how and the expertise.


Why translate into Swedish?

The UK and Sweden are considered close economic allies, especially pre-Brexit. These close ties are not just economic, but political and cultural too, with both countries often voting the same way in EU votes, and with many Swedish citizens having spent time in the UK with a relatively high level of English proficiency in the population. There is even an exchange in media, with genres such as Scandi Noir gaining quick popularity in UK households. Upon the UK’s exit from the EU, Swedish newspapers’ headlines echoed the day being a “tough blow” for both sides. The UK Minister for Trade Policy, Greg Hands, noted that he had been working hard on promoting economic links between Sweden and the UK post-Brexit. This means that translation between the two languages is even more important in preserving economic trade as ties are reinforced, and this fact is being reflected in the increase of translation projects we handle daily at Rosetta Translation.

Do I need a Swedish translation for Finland?

Swedish is of course spoken in Sweden, however interestingly it was an official language in Finland well before it was recognised as the official language in Sweden. You may wonder then if you would need a translation into Swedish if your translation is destined for Finland, but in that case, we would most likely recommend sticking to Finnish for your project. This is because although Swedish is a recognised official language of Finland, only approximately 5.5% of the country speak it, compared to the vast majority who speak Finnish.

Which dialect of Swesish do I need?

Swedish is commonly divided into six distinct dialects: Norrland, Svealand, Gotland, Götaland, South Swedish and East Swedish (Finland Swedish), however it can be argued that there are several hundred different dialects, but they are all reasonably mutually intelligible, bar some outliers such as Dalarna, Norrbotten and Gotland. Some of the key features that define these dialects are the lengthening or shortening of vowel sounds in speech, the softening of consonants and the dropping of -r in plural forms of words. Many of the genuine rural dialects additionally have very distinct phonetic and grammatical features, such as plural forms of verbs or archaic case inflections. Interestingly, these dialects can be nearly incomprehensible to most Swedes, however thankfully most of their speakers are also fluent in Standard Swedish.

This means that although there are arguably hundreds of Swedish dialects, translating into Standard Swedish is the norm as it is understood by the vast majority of Swedish speakers.

I need my text to be as formal as possible…

The Swedish language is one of the few that went through a reform to reject the use of more formal language. In the 1960s, the du-reformen was the process by which Sweden saw itself move away from the use of the formal version of “you” to the more informal version, “du. Before the du-reformen, it was seen as quite impolite to address someone without the proper title and using the appropriate formal language. This means that although your source English may contain formal language and address, this level of formality would simply not exist in Swedish. This means your Swedish text could appear, to a lay-man, as rude or informal, but this is simply not the case, as Swedish speakers now use informal language in almost every sphere, regardless of the speaker’s or audience’s position, age or gender.

By choosing Rosetta Translation for your projects into and out of Swedish, you can be confident that we will always use the appropriate tone and level of politeness for the context of your text, so you can be sure that your translation will always hit the mark.

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