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Translation and language blog

The Rosetta Blog is a collection of material relating to translation and language in a wider sense. Some of it discusses aspects of the translation business, of client issues, of common pitfalls. Some of it touches on general difficulties in translation (such as the lack of exact equivalents for concepts in other languages), and there is also a running discussion of ongoing changes in the language industry (AI, of course, but also for example the usefulness of Simplified Technical English for translation).

If you are interested in discussing any of these topics (whether directly in relation to a translation need, or out of general interest) or if you want to suggest new topics, feel free to add a comment and start a discussion. Alternatively, you can contact the two main current custodians of the blog directly: our head of the London office, Rossella Mastropietro, at and/or our founder and managing director Eric Fixmer, at efixmer@rosettatranslation.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Tips for Proofreading Academic Papers

Proofreading for non-native academic authors At Rosetta Translation we regularly receive requests to proof academic papers or research material. Most of these requests are from researchers

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What is the UN French Language Day? On 20 March, we once again celebrate UN French Language Day, a global celebration of linguistic diversity and cultural exchange. Created by the United Nations in 2010, this day is to remind us …
