
The Rosetta Blog is a collection of material relating to translation and language in a wider sense. Some of it discusses aspects of the translation business, of client issues, of common pitfalls. Some of it touches on general difficulties in translation (such as the lack of exact equivalents for concepts in other languages), and there is also a running discussion of ongoing changes in the language industry (AI, of course, but also for example the usefulness of Simplified Technical English for translation).

Translation and language blog

If you are interested in discussing any of these topics (whether directly in relation to a translation need, or out of general interest) or if you want to suggest new topics, feel free to add a comment and start a discussion. Alternatively, you can contact the two main current custodians of the blog directly: our head of the London office, Rossella Mastropietro, at and/or our founder and managing director Eric Fixmer, at efixmer@rosettatranslation.

We look forward to hearing from you.

April 26, 2013 by Rossella Mastropietro

What Influence Does Your Language Have?

My father used to say, “If you know Chinese, Spanish, and English, you can communicate with one third of the world!” Whilst this may be an exaggeration, the growing numbers don’t lie! What we speak seems to be a great factor upon the influence we have. However, as we know,…

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March 25, 2013 by E Fixmer

Top 10 Alien Languages

Narrative stories around the world have been using alien languages for generations. Sometimes completely made up, sometimes real but distorted, these languages add some mysterious dimension to their speakers. What are the top 10 Alien languages in movies, then?   Below is a non-exhaustive list of some of the most…

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October 11, 2012 by E Fixmer

Wasted Letters in English and the Reasons behind them

A wasted letter, also known as a silent letter, refers to a letter within a word which does not contribute to the sound or pronunciation of that word, for example the ‘n’ in ‘autumn’ and the ‘k’ in ‘know’.  So, why do we spell ‘colour’ with a wasted ‘u’ when…

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August 17, 2012 by E Fixmer

Learn our Language and be part of our Nation

National identity, the sense of belonging to one state or nation, rather than another, is far from a natural phenomenon. It rather requires the presence of a number of symbols of various kinds, which people can identify with. These can include flags, songs, colours, the nation’s history (particularly the national…

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June 15, 2012 by E Fixmer

Language: A Social Class Indicator?

Within the general “social class” theme (if there is still such a thing) that we are touching upon this month, the language-related section will be looking into the social stratification of people based on their language use and more specifically the way they pronounce (or not) a specific linguistic variable,…

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June 14, 2012 by Rossella Mastropietro

How to Speak “Properly”?

Are you self-conscious about your grammar, accent, pronunciation of words, or are you maybe in the habit of saying uhmm and errrr a lot? All these are indications that you may not speak as clearly and properly as you could. You may therefore want to improve your techniques for speaking…

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May 10, 2012 by Rossella Mastropietro

How to Make a Good Translation

How to Make a Good Translation Below are some basic rules for making a good translation aimed at linguists working in the translation industry. This list is not exhaustive, but it is a starting point for whoever wants to develop a career in translation and is not familiar with the…

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April 16, 2012 by totalityservices

Are Humans Predisposed to Learn Language?

It is one of those things that we take for granted, we don’t stop to think twice about this impressive ability that humans have to acquire language so effortlessly. In the linguistic circles this is a popular topic however; there have been many studies and many linguists who tried to…

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March 21, 2012 by Alison Tunley

Why We Should All Study Phonetics

The Practical Importance of Stuying Phonetics   As a French native speaker, it became obvious to me very early on that I would need to learn at least one, and ideally two foreign languages, in order to optimise my chances of getting a good job in the future. How does…

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March 9, 2012 by Rossella Mastropietro

How to keep up with Language Change

Languages change so quickly that it’s a wonder how people of the same language understand each other, mind you talking to younger people of the same generation is often like trying to communicate with a foreign language speaker. Here are some of our tips on why language change is inevitable…

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February 9, 2012 by Rossella Mastropietro

Who make better translators, men or women?

The issue of male versus female performance in translation and interpreting work is one that rarely comes up, but it is one where project managers may be surprisingly opinionated. The question of whether women or men make better translators or interpreters is not one that is frequently asked. Perhaps this…

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January 13, 2012 by E Fixmer

Sorry: No Language, No Entry

A High Court in the UK recently ruled to uphold English language tests for immigrants wanting to live in the UK. The outrage from some couples caught up in this affair is understandable, but is it too much to ask immigrants to speak the language of their destination country? The…

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January 13, 2012 by Rossella Mastropietro

The Front Line – Interpreting Services in the Public Sector

Logic dictates that higher immigration levels increase the demand for language provision in both the healthcare and justice system. But what happens when increased demand and a need to cut costs meet head on? For the NHS, providing interpreters for patients who do not speak English is vital for patient…

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January 13, 2012 by Rossella Mastropietro

How to Strike a Balance when Living Away from “Home”

“I am a citizen of the world”, this is what both myself and my two brothers, who also live abroad, think of ourselves. Having left home at 18 to come to the UK to study, when people ask me now if I miss “home”, sometimes I wonder: Where is home…

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January 12, 2012 by Rossella Mastropietro

Tattoos Leaving You Permanently Lost In Translation

I have a tattoo, something which I don’t necessarily regret now, but should I have had my time again I think I would probably not choose to ‘scar’ myself for life with one Japanese symbol. I often forget it’s there until someone spies it and then asks what it means;…

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December 20, 2011 by E Fixmer

Tuning Your Language Radio

The importance of foreign languages Having been immersed in a different language from a young age and subsequently pursuing my passion of learning and speaking languages throughout my school life and into my adult career I find it very hard to understand the lack of interest in foreign languages at…

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December 16, 2011 by Alison Tunley

Our Wonderful English Language

I love English! It’s so versatile and rich in synonyms, turns of phrase and idiomatic expressions. In fact, I like nothing more than expressing something in the written word. When I was younger my mum used to bring out a poem after dinner on occasion, and if we had a…

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December 2, 2011 by Rossella Mastropietro

Languages And International Business: Which Languages Make You More Employable

Knowing a rare or less–used language has traditionally been considered as a resume advantage, a way to edge out the competition within the ever-shrinking jobs pool. But what do recruiters really think about the languages we know (or claim to know?) A spread of languages will undoubtedly make reading your…

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December 2, 2011 by C Lacandazo

The Language Life Cycle

The life, death and maintenance of languages is a concept that has kept me amazed since childhood. With recent talks of language extintion I explore the language life cycle to see how the world’s many languages can be kept alive. The Life Of Languages Since I started writing for a…

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November 22, 2011 by Helen Fream

Introduction to Japanese

I know that China’s economy is booming and that it’s going to be the next economic giant, perhaps one day it will rule the world, so learning Chinese should be the option to choose if looking for an Asian language to learn. In fact, I would recommend that you do…

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October 18, 2011 by Rossella Mastropietro

Where do languages come from?

The Origins and Evolution of Human Language Scholars have long studied the origins and evolution of language to better understand how early humans developed communication systems. They estimate that human language has existed for over 50,000 years, evolving alongside society’s needs. What began as rudimentary sounds and gestures eventually grew into…

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October 13, 2011 by Rossella Mastropietro

A guide to obtaining a translation

I think I often take for granted what I know about languages and translation, this is often brought home to me working here as many clients and potential clients are often (and I don’t want this to sound patronising in anyway) ‘clueless’ about the costs and time involved in order…

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June 30, 2011 by E Fixmer

Advice to an aspiring professional translator

A sombre health warning has to be given first. The following advice is completely unsolicited, biased, quite possibly uncalled-for, and comes from a grumpy, balding, middle-aged and somewhat hungover principal owner of a UK translation company. If taken seriously, it might therefore eliminate any trace of illusion and, possibly, enthusiasm…

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June 16, 2011 by Rossella Mastropietro

Sourcing Interpreters

We have previously expressed thoughts on how to trust new translators. I would now like to attempt to answer a somewhat similar question: how can you trust a new interpreter?   In our industry we work mainly with freelance translators and interpreters. Whilst with translators you can test and "assess"…

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Andreea Mohan

Taylor Wessing LLP

We are very pleased with the services provided by Rosetta Translations. They always send very prompt responses, transparent prices and deliver their work product at the highest standards.

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Jackie Brook, Sr Product Manager

American Express

Thank you very much for your prompt and efficient service.

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Conor McLarnon

Maximus Crushing and Screening

I have translated multiple projects with Rosetta now and I cannot emphasise how great the service they provide is; quality, turnaround time and pricing is the best I have found yet. The qualities of translations we receive are of the highest standard and communication from the start of a project to the end is consistent.

For a company looking into translations, I would highly recommend Rosetta as first pick, as the support and service they provide is first class.

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Tips for Proofreading Academic Papers

Proofreading for non-native academic authors At Rosetta Translation we regularly receive requests to proof academic papers or research material. Most of these requests are from researchers whose work is written in English, yet they are not native speakers of English. Proofreading academic… Read More

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